Veterinary Immunology Committee (VIC)

The VIC Committee promotes and coordinates the interests of the international veterinary immunology community.

What is the VIC?

The Veterinary Immunology Committee (VIC) promotes and coordinates the interests of the international veterinary immunology community. A notable feature of veterinary immunology is its diversity – it encompasses a wide range of domesticated and wildlife animal hosts which are affected by disparate pathogens and immunological conditions.

Sub-committees and working groups with a specialised focus are established from time to time to assist VIC.

The Veterinary Immunology Committee is composed of 5-8 veterinary immunologists, co-opted with the aim of achieving equitable representation for different regions of the world. There is no formal election process for membership. A Chairperson and members are selected as needed at VIC meetings held at each International Veterinary Immunology Symposium. Members usually remain in office for two succeeding three-year terms.

Field of action

As a scientific discipline, veterinary immunology traverses topics ranging from fundamental studies on how the immune system functions to more applied areas such as production of vaccines and clinical applications of immunology. The main activities of VIC include:

  • Promote veterinary immunology
  • Assist with the planning and funding of International Veterinary Immunology Symposia (IVIS) – these are held every three years as satellite meetings of the International Congress of Immunology;
  • Coordinate databases containing information of interest to veterinary immunologists;
  • Sponsor and support regional workshops and conferences;
  • Coordinate the development of a toolkit of immunological reagents suitable for use in animals of veterinary interest;
  • Administer the Distinguished Veterinary Immunologist Award.


List of reports:
Guidelines and report:

Distinguished Veterinary Immunologist (DVI) Award 2023

Call for Nominations New deadline: March 31, 2023 The Veterinary Immunology Committee of the IUIS…

Taking veterinary immunology forward in Latin-America

The first immunoinformatics virtual course in Spanish was organized by the Argentinean Veterinary Immunology team…

VIC Newsletter Contribution

IUIS Veterinary Immunology Committee (VIC) is committed to removing barriers to the global accessibility of…

13th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium

The IVIS 2023 will bring together experts from across the globe to share most exciting…

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More Committees

Early Career Committee (ECC)

Vaccine Committee (VAC)

Quality Assessment and Standardization Committee (QAS)

Publications Committee (PUB)

Nomenclature Committee (NOM)

Immunotherapy Committee (ITH)

Inborn Errors of Immunity Committee (IEI)

Gender Equity Committee (GEC)

Education Committee (EDU)