IUIS and EFIS are working together to involve all Regional and National Societies in a global effort to promote the benefits of immunology research during the International Day of Immunology (DoI) taking place every year on April 29.
Day of Immunology 2025 theme is “Brain and Immunity: Immunological Insights into Neurological Disorders“. To have more information about this year’s webinar and awards, please click the button below and stay tuned for more information to come:
Day of Immunology Award
Who Can Apply?
All National Societies and Regional Federations are eligible to apply.
Application Procedure
- Designate one person among your staff or members to be the “Ambassador” for the campaign that you will develop and implement. Your Ambassador will be the contact person for all information regarding your campaign.
- Submit an application with a short description of your campaign’s action plan.
- Design a campaign and implement it to take place on or around the Day of Immunology, April 29
- After your campaign is complete: Submit a report, which should include what you did, an estimate of how many people you reached, and what were some of the major results. More information about how to submit a report will be sent to your Ambassador. Submit the detailed report to info@iuis.org. The deadline for campaign report submission will be announced each year accordingly.
Campaign Preparation
These campaigns are basically meant to raise awareness regarding the theme of each year.
- The target society of your campaign can include academics, researchers, the public, politicians, and decision-makers. The more people the campaign reaches out to, the better!
- The media you use can be posters, videos, social media, emails, etc. Societies can record interviews, give lectures, organize discussions, events, and trainings, and reach out to the public via hospitals, schools, etc. Having creative, diverse expressions is a plus.
Applications are reviewed based on the campaign’s originality, clarity, creativity, and impact at a national or regional level.
Day of Immunology Webinar
Each year, on the day of Immunology, April 29, IUIS organizes a webinar with excellent speakers to raise the knowledge about Immunology and the theme of the year in particular.
Past Editions available On Demand:

Watch the 2024 Day of Immunology Recording here.

Watch the 2023 Day of Immunology Recording here

Watch the 2022 Day of Immunology Recording here

- Watch the 2021 Day of Immunology Recording here
Past Editions
Click on the links below to access the archive of the past Day of Immunology Awards:
- 2024 Edition
- 2023 Edition
- 2022 Edition
- 2021 Edition
- 2020 Edition
- 2019 Edition
- 2017 Edition
- 2016 Edition
- 2015 Edition
Click here for the presentation of the: Day of Immunology Awards.