Day of Immunology Awards

March 19, 2019

IUIS and EFIS are working together to involve all Regional and National Societies in a global effort to promote the benefits of immunology research during the International Day of Immunology (DoI) taking place every year on April 29. READ MORE

2023 Award Winners have been announced…

The Awards

Awards totaling 6000 euros will be given once every 3 years for the 4 best public relations campaigns of the Day of Immunology for the years 2020 to 2023:

  • International Day of Immunology Award, by IUIS – 2000 euros for the best international campaign
  • European Day of Immunology Award, by EFIS – 2000 euros for the best campaign in Europe
  • Award for the Best Newcomer Campaign, by EFIS – 1000 euros for the best campaign organized by a candidate participating in the DoI Awards for the first time
  • Best Theme Award, by IUIS – 1 000 euros for the best campaign organized by a candidate participating in the DoI, which corresponds to one of the year’s themes (COVID-19 2021, Autoimmunity and Autoinflammation 2020, Cancer Checkpoint Blockade 2019, Vaccine Developments in Tuberculosis 2018, IGE-Allergy 2017)

‣Can I apply?

All National Societies and Regional Federations are eligible to apply. The annual theme is only a suggestion, not a requirement. Applicants who do send the report of performed activities will not participate in the Award evaluation

‣How do I apply?

  1. Designate one person among your staff or members to be the “Ambassador” for the campaign that you will develop and implement. Your Ambassador will be the contact person for all information regarding your campaign.
  2. Submit an early application with a short description of your campaign action plan
    • ➡️ Deadline for entry in the year of candidacy (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023): April 30
  3. Design / implement your campaign to take place on or around the Day of Immunology, April 29
  4. After your campaign is complete: Submit a report, which should include what you did, an estimate of how many people you reached, and what were some of the major results. More information about how to submit a report will be sent to your Ambassador. Submit the detailed report to
    • ➡️ Deadline for reports in the year of candidacy (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023): June 1

Applications submitted in 2022 will be reviewed in June 2023, together with 2020, 2021 and 2023 DoI Awards applications.

‣How do I prepare my campaign?

Each participating Society is invited to design a unique awareness campaign using any media of its choice including posters, videos, social media, mails and emails. Societies Members can for instance record interviews, give lectures, organize joined classroom discussions, meet with teachers… and talk with friends, family and neighbours about the amazing immune system!

To find useful material to help your teams create successful awareness campaigns and reach journalists, school teachers, politicians, decision-makers, and the general public, please click this link. You will also find additional pedagogical resources on the EFIS website

‣Process of selection

Applications are reviewed based on the campaign’s originality, clarity, and impact at a national or regional level. More details are to be released at a later date.

‣Awards Ceremony

The DoI Awards for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 will be handed out during the 18th International Congress of Immunology, held in 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Past Editions

Click the links below to access the archive of the past Day of Immunology Awards.

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