is the official educational provider of online pre-course material for IUIS immunology courses in the developing world and in other countries. Supported and working closely with the IUIS Education Committee, Immunopaedia delivers relevant and current educational content to provide frameworks of knowledge to IUIS course participants before they embark on face-to-face courses.

November 2019 Newsletter
Dear fellow immunologist, Join us in November for breaking news, interviews and events. Complete one of our case studies and the corresponding MCQ’s and you can earn you 1 HPCSA CPD point and 0.25 SACNASP CPD point.
The Vaccinology course, if you are in the vaccine-world, you shouldn´t miss it! – READ MORE
Investigating the immunological composition of the Kidney – READ MORE
IDA Highlight: Immune responses to TB vaccines – READ MORE
IDA Highlight: Possible barriers and opportunities for HIV cure – READ MORE
Did you know there may be hope for a new TB vaccine? Researchers at the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) recently showed a 50% efficacy of the candidate vaccine M72/ASO1E in reducing the incidence of lung TB disease in HIV-negative adults already infected with latent TB at the time of vaccination.
Over 3500 HIV negative people aged 18-50 were included in the trial with each receiving 2 doses of the M72/ASO1E vaccine or a placebo 30 days apart. The subjects were followed for 3 years during which only 13 of the total 1626 subjects who received the vaccine developed active lung disease.
There will be more clinical trials to further test the vaccine but this is a significant development for researchers in the TB vaccine field.
Watch a summary video – Preventing Tuberculosis
Source: Phase 2b Controlled Trial of M72/AS01E Vaccine to Prevent Tuberculosis – O. Van Der Meeren et al

The biggest immunology conference, the 17th International Congress of Immunology IUIS 2019 was held in Beijing (19-23rd Oct.). IUIS 2019 was attended by over 6500 individuals, who presented their research in different aspects of immunology that covered 4 major themes Adaptive Immunity, Innate Immunity, Immunology and Diseases, and Interventions. The IUIS 2019 opened with 3 wonderful talks by 3 Nobel Laureates Peter Doherty, Jules Hoffman and Tasuku Honjo.
For those who were unable attend, you can catch up on presented research by reading the ICI2019 abstract booklet.
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 18TH ICI-IUIS 2022, which will be held 15-20th August 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. It will be the first ICI meeting to be held in Africa.

Join the 11th African Congress of Immunology and the 2nd annual meeting of The Immunology Society of Malawi. The theme of the meeting is “Immunity and Immunotherapeutics in Africa: tackling the burden of disease” and it will be held 29th November – 3rd December 2020 in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Apply for the Keystone Symposia conference on Noncoding RNAs: Mechanism, Function and Therapies in Whistler, BC, Canada from 12-16 January 2020. This conference will bring together leaders in RNA biology, technology, and medicine to present the latest findings in these respective areas. it will provide an integrated view of the cutting edge of this rapidly advancing scientific area and create many opportunities for synergy and cross fertilization.
Our November Immunologist of the Month is Collins Ouma, Professor in Biomedical Sciences at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology, Maseno University, Kenya. He has transitioned through several positions including being the Program Leader for Health Challenges and Systems, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and Director, Research and Knowledge Translation at the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP). He has also led several research teams in both immunology and genetics on infectious and non-communicable diseases.
Cheleka Mpande an Immuopaedia Ambassador, recently presented a Virtual Keystone Symposium Sci-talk titled “Functional, antigen-specific stem cell memory (TSCM) CD4+ T cells are induced by human M.tuberculosis infection“, on work she co-authored in 2018. Cheleka is a PhD Student at the University of Cape Town. Her research focus is on Tuberculosis Immunology, particularly on understanding classical T cell memory, activation and functional kinetics during different stages of asymptotic Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
Maria-Bernadette Madel from Germany, is our Ambassador of the month. Maria-Bernadette is a PostDoctoral Fellow in immunology researching on inflammatory disorders such as Osteoimmunology. She joined the Immunopaedia team last year, and has made valuable contributions by writing articles on “The Immune Function of Osteoclasts” and “ECTS2018 – Where scientific research and clinical practice meet”, as well assisting with curating our MCQs.
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