
AAI 2012 Introductory Course in Immunology (July 14-19, 2012)

University of Pennsylvannia, Philadephia.Course directors: Christopher A. Hunter, Terri M. Laufer Fatoumatta Darboe, Master student,Medical…

Report on the 2012 GECD Committee travel fellowships

In 2012 GECD Committee sponsored four female students to attend various immunology courses that were…

Report on the 2012 GECD Committee Symposia

One of the main activities of the GECD Committee is to organize symposia and networking…

FASEB Launches New Online Career Planning Tool

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), in coordination with the Medical College…

FIMSA/IUIS/IIS Advanced Course on Basic and Translational Immunology (March 18-20, 2012)

New Delhi, India, Organizer: Narinder Mehra Recent advances in immunology have revolutionized developments in contemporary…

9th John Humphrey Advanced Immunology Course (March 19-21, 2012)

“Adaptive and Innate Immunity”, Havana, Cuba, Course directors: Chris Rudd and Oliver Perez This course…

8th Spring School on Immunology (March 11-16, 2012)

Ettal, Germanyorganized by the German Society for Immunology (DGfI) For the 8th year, DGfI has…

FOCIS 2012 – Advanced Course in Basic & Clinical Immunology (Feb. 26 – March 1, 2012)

Fire Sky Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Three students were co-sponsored by FOCIS and…

2nd African International Conference on Immunity (Nov. 3-7, 2011)

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, November 3-7, 2011“Immunity in Infectious Diseases & Allergies” Organizers: Elopy N Sibanda…

Global Infectious Disease Research: A multidisciplinary approach (Sept. 4-10 2011)
January 13, 2012Education Committee (EDU)

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,Cape Town, South Africa,  September 4-10 2011 Course Organisers:Dr.…

Advanced WHO-IRTC/UNIL Course on Immunology, Vaccinology and Biotechnology applied to Leishmaniasis (Oct. 11-22, 2011)
January 13, 2012Education Committee (EDU)

WHOIRTC, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 11-22, 2011Course coordinators: Prof. FabienneTacchini-Cottier, Director, WHO-IRTC Twenty-three participants from developing…

AAI 2011 Advanced Course in Immunology (July 31 – Aug. 5, 2011)
January 13, 2012Education Committee (EDU)

University of Minnesota Center for Immunology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USACourse Directors: Drs Stephen C. Jameson and…

AAI Introductory Immunology Course (July 9-14, 2011)
January 13, 2012Education Committee (EDU)

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, PhiladelphiaCourse Directors: Terri M. Laufer and Christopher A. Hunter…

First Educational Meeting About Primary Immunodeficiencies In Latin America (Sept. 1-3, 2011)
January 13, 2012Education Committee (EDU)

Lima-Peru Organizers: Drs José Aguilar Olano, Edgar Matos Benavides, Juan Carlos Aldave, Rossana Rodriguez The…

Networking breakfast at AICI 2011
November 25, 2011Gender Equity Committee (GEC)

Networking breakfast organized by the IUIS Committee on Career Development and Gender Equality in…

Supported Activities 2007
October 15, 2011Education Committee (EDU)

12th International Course for Clinical Immunology of Infectious Diseases (ICCI) at the Suez Canal University…

Supported Activities 2008
October 15, 2011Education Committee (EDU)

The 13th International Course for Clinical Immunology ofInfectiousDiseases (ICCI), EGYPT, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, October…

Supported Activities 2009
October 14, 2011Education Committee (EDU)

10th FIMSA ADVANCED IMMUNOLOGY TRAINING COURSE, Tangalooma Island, Queensland, Australia, December 3 -6, 2009 Organizer:…

Symposium in Mucosal Immunology and Homeostatic Regulation og the Inflammatory Process (July 1-2, 2010)
October 14, 2011Education Committee (EDU)

National Academy of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina Organizers: Drs Tomas Herrero and Graciela Remondino Aimed…

Mucosal Immunology and Mucosal Vaccination Course (May 17-18, 2010)
October 14, 2011Education Committee (EDU)

Trinidad, Cuba Organized by Cuban Immunology Society, Latin-American Association of Immunology (ALAI), Latin-American Mucosal Immunology…

Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Conference (Apr. 25-28, 2010)
October 14, 2011Education Committee (EDU)

Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA Organizers: Drs Markus Mohrs and Fabienne Tacchini-Cottier Funded…