IUIS Veterinary Immunology was very pleased to be able to award five travel bursaries to help supportthe attendance of graduate students at the Keystone Symposium on ‘Immunity to Veterinary Pathogens: Informing Vaccine Development’ at the Keystone Conference Center in Colorado on 19-25 January 2015.
The Symposium was a landmark for Veterinary Immunology at Keystone and the five recipients of the IUIS VIC Bursaries came from four countries in three different continents: Bianca Libanori Artiaga (Gainesville, FL, USA), Ellis Powell (Aimes, IA, USA), Kim Baert (Ghent, Belgium), Simon Wellner (Copenhagen, Denmark) and Tomohiro Okagawa (Sapporo, Japan). In return for their bursaries, each recipient has provided a lively report of what the meeting meant for them. We are delighted to share these reports with you.
On behalf of VIC Committee I would like to thank IUIS for supporting our activities and promoting veterinary immunology globally. I would also like to thank the Sub-Committee members who helped in the selection process for the bursaries (Joan Lunney, Isabel Santos and Massimo Amadori). The standard of the applications was very high and unfortunately we were unable to fund all the applicants.
Gary Entrican Chair, IUIS VIC