2023 International Day of Immunology

February 17, 2023

On April 29, 2023, we celebrate the Day of Immunology.

This year’s  theme is ‘Immunology Talks to Public Health.’ 

IUIS & EFIS invite all international societies to join in the effort to increase global awareness of the importance of immunology and demonstrate how our understanding of human immunology can improve public health. Read more about the Day of Immunology.


Share your message about #Dayof Immunology #ThankYouImmunology on social media using the resources provided in our media kit below. Remember to tag IUIS in your posts (Twitter @iuis_online / Facebook @IUISorg / Instagram @iuis_online).

Join EFIS & IUIS to celebrate DoI 2023!

More Activities

IUIS-FIMSA-IIS Immuno-India 2023

Education Committee (EDU)

IUIS-SMI-FAIS Immuno-Morocco Course

Education Committee (EDU)


Education Committee (EDU)

Minutes of the 2023 Second Virtual FIMSA Council Meeting

Menarini Prize for Outstanding Woman Immunologist

Report: 49th Annual conference of the Indian Immunology Society

Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA)

QAS Newsletter Contribution – June 2023

Quality Assessment and Standardization Committee (QAS)

2023 First Virtual FIMSA Council Meeting

Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA)

IMMUNO-ZAMBIA Workshop Report

Education Committee (EDU)