Survey Deadline: March 12, 2025
The World Data System (WDS) and its Scientific Committee are launching a study to identify the value-added benefits of data repositories. The ultimate goal of this project is to demonstrate the value of repositories in serving the needs of researchers, funders, policy-makers and other stakeholders. Repositories, an essential element of the scientific enterprise, must demonstrate continued relevance to the research communities they serve. As such, repositories are expected to keep pace with technology advances and research data management practices. The seamlessness of well-managed repository services leaves the impression that the underlying effort is minimal or automated, although in reality ongoing maintenance and operations require significant resources. Insufficient funding leads to stagnation, leaving the repository holdings vulnerable; thus continual investment by funders is necessary to sustain and enhance repository services.
To this end, we have chosen the Delphi Study method to identify the top 10 value-added benefits that data repositories provide to the international research ecosystem, now and into the next decade. The Delphi method is well established in the scientific community. It is conducted in a number of survey rounds. The first round involves brainstorming benefits and services that repositories provide, allowing participants to provide additional inputs and modifications to a pre-generated list based upon existing literature and expertise. The subsequent rounds narrow down and rank based upon the previous rounds so that a consensus is reached.
Participate in the survey here.