Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB) Undergraduate Summer Research Conference

Thursday 11th August 2022Society for Leukocyte Biology

Are you an undergraduate student actively engaged in immunology research? Do you support a student actively engaged in immunology research?

Considering joining the First Annual Undergraduate Immunology Research Conference sponsored by the Society for Leukocyte Biology!

What: An opportunity for undergraduate students and those in a “post-bacc” program (post-baccalaureate or non-US equivalent) to present their research, meet with graduate school recruiters, and talk with current graduate students about their programs and research.

Why: Undergraduate and poct-bacc trainees will get experience presenting their research, feedback about their presentation, and have an opportunity to explore programs and build a professional network.

Format: Multiple one-hour sessions of recorded 3-minute presentations, a one-hour meeting with graduate program recruiters, and a one-hour “meet and greet” with graduate students.

How: Register to join by submitting your 3-minute presentation via the form link below. You will be asked to submit the following:

  • Abstract title
  • Co-authors (in any)Affiliated Institutions
  • A brief (75-100 word) written description of your video abstract (word doc)
  • Your narrated 3-minute PowerPoint file (ppt)
  • A picture of yourself (jpg, minimum 200x200px)
  • A brief bio (75-100 word) of yourself including education and research interests (word doc)

Who: SLB undergraduate trainee members and those in post-bacc programs (participation for members is free!)

When: Two important dates!

  • Submission Deadline – 27 June;
  • Live event – Thursday 11 August, 2022, 11am EST

Where: A convenient online, virtual program for members around the world!

Register by submitting your video abstract. Program details and presentation scheduling will be announced closer to the date of the live event along with joining instructions.

Questions: Email

Event Details

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