Adaptive Immunity: Memory, Protection and Immunopathology in COVID-19: What do we know about the adaptive immune reaction to Sars-CoV-2? Why do humans react so heterogeneously to Sars-CoV-2? Does the adaptive immune system provide protection and for how long? How can we challenge the system with a vaccine to establish longlasting, efficient immunity?
Andreas Radbruch, Scientific Director of the DRFZ and Professor for Experimental Rheumatology at the Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University of Berlin, shares his insights. The webinar is moderated by Rita Carsetti (Head of the Diagnostic Immunology Unit and of the B cell pathophysiology Research Unit of the Bambino Gesù Children Hospital IRCCS in Rome).

Rita Carsetti
Rita Carsetti is Head of the Diagnostic Immunology Unit and of the B cell pathophysiology Research Unit of the Bambino Gesù Children Hospital IRCCS in Rome.
Webinar Details
Categories: COVID-19