IUIS / AAI Travel Award Deadline Extented!

February 11, 2015Gender Equity Committee (GEC)


IUIS / AAI Travel Grant


The IUIS Education (EDU) and Gender Equality and Career Development (GEC) Committees in conjunction with the American Association of Immunologists (AAI) are proud to announce the continued co-sponsoring of 8 travel awards (4 foreach course) for trainees from the developing world to attend summer courses.

This year the schedule is as follows:


  • The AAI Introductory Course in Immunology (July 14-19, 2015, at the Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California).
  • The AAI Advanced Course in Immunology (August 2-7, 2015, in the Seaport World Trade Center, in Boston, MA).

Preliminary information is shown on the AAI website.

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